Sunday 2 October 2011

Newcastle and Shoal Bay!

When we stepped off the train in Newcastle and drove along the beautiful coast line to Jess’s Auntie Anne’s house it was hard to see any similarities with the cold grey Newcastle in the North of England.. There are definitely no Geordies here.
Anne and Rob have a dog and four guinea pigs, fairy lights hanging around the decking outside, and even the same wine glasses as we do at our house (as well as a very generous supply of vino). I immediately felt at home.
On Wednesday we went to a club called ‘fannys’ which amused us quite a lot (me and Jess both have the same immature sense of humour teehee) and were pleasantly surprised at the drinks offers ($4 vodka!), yet disappointed when we realised the club was full of people who barely looked 18.. We were perhaps the oldest people there apart from the people working on the door.
On friday night we drove up to Shoal Bay where Anne and Rob own a flat on the sea front. It was dark when we arrived, but we woke the next day to the most spectacular views. Unfortunately we hadn't been so lucky with the weather; rainy and grey (whilst I hear there has been a peculiar amount of sunshine in the UK..) This didn't matter too much though as on Saturday we spent the entire day eating our own weight in crisps, popcorn, and pizza whilst drinking large amounts of beer and watching sports. I felt very Australian drinking Tooheys watching the AFL grand final.
When the weather cleared up we took a walk up Mount Tomaree where there were some amazing views overlooking the bay.
Tomorrow we are flying North to Brisbane, hopefully to catch up with some sunshine! 

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