Sunday 9 October 2011


We have now been away for an entire month, and this morning when I woke up with a horrible cold I almost began to feel homesick and sad.. That is until I put on my bikini and sat in the sunshine drinking cheap beer. It's a hard life..
Brisbane has been amazing. We have been staying with Mike, Malcolm (Shiny), and Dion who are great guys; so much fun. We haven't really done many touristy activities here, and have mainy used it as a week of drinking too much and eating lots of junk food. (I am getting an impressive beer and burger stomach..)
The boys work in the week but Shiny took the day off on friday and we explored the city after a morning swim in the pool. Brisbane is huge and it took around half an hour just to get to Centre of the city. We had a great day!
On saturday we planned to take a road trip to Gold Coast, so stocked the car full of Jim Beam (for the passengers - poor Mike was our designated driver) and cheesy music. We had so much fun we missed the turning and ended up in New South Wales... By the time we got to Gold Coast we needed somewhere to stop for a shower and to get ready to hit the town so ended up going to an aquantence's house to freshen up, but after a few more Jim Beams and a Hungry Jacks (Burger King) we were all absolutely knackered and got lost going back into the city! For some reason we ended up going back to Brisbane which was a shame because I would have loved to go out in Gold Coast, but never mind.
This evening Dion cooked us roast lamb followed by apple pie. Yum.
Tomorrow we are flying over to the West coast to Perth where I am looking forward to meeting Jess's friend Kirri.


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