Sunday 25 September 2011


We arrived in sunny Sydney on Monday the 19th September to be greeted by Laura, Brian and Joe. Feeling a bit drained after a week of partying hard in Melbourne we were relieved to be staying somewhere comfortable and welcomed an early night and a good nights sleep. 
Tuesday morning we went to Bondi beach which was great fun and I was even persuaded to have a little swim in the sea, although it was horribly obvious that we were the palest people on the entire beach!
We had a lovely walk through the botanic gardens followed by a drink at the Opera house bar with Laura and Joe on Wednesday. We went inside the famous Opera House, but unlike the usual tourists who take a guided tour, we just popped in to use the toilet..
On Friday we travelled by train to see the 'Three Sisters' at the Blue Mountains in Katoomba; three huge pieces of rock situated in front of an enormous valley and mountains. It is an Aboriginal legend that these rocks were created when a tribes leader cast a spell on his three beautiful daughters to protect them from enemies, yet died before he could reverse the spell. The mountains are surrounded by a blue haze caused by a large number of eucalyptus trees resulting in the oils being evaporated into the air. The journey was over two and a half hours each way but it was definitely worth it; the views were breathtaking. We decided not to go on one of the treks, and instead settled for a chocolate ice cream and a few photographs (which unfortunately do not do the spectacular views justice).
Later that night we met up with Joel, Alice's old house mate, who took us to a bar where we drank shots out of teapots! Need I say more.....
I have really enjoyed Sydney! It was really nice to catch up with Laura, Brian, and happy little Joe, as well as Joel.
We are travelling by train to Newcastle tomorrow to stay with Jess's Aunt. 

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